My Most Sacred Hour

I am committed to attending 90 meetings in 90 days.  The purpose is to throw myself into the recovering community and start the positive habit of attending AA meetings.  I'm directed by my sponsor to build connections with other women in the program and build a solid support group of people who don't drink or use.  For someone in early recovery, that's kind of important because being around our old friends who partake can be a particularly difficult temptation.  So I'm learning how to hang out and have lots of fun without alcohol or pot.  I'm shocked that sober living is really really fun!  That was one of my greatest concerns as I got on the wagon, 'would I ever have fun again?'  The answer is a reverberant YES!!

So, in attending a meeting every day, I have found that hour to be my most sacred hour in the day.  I inevitably learn something new.  But what's more, is that as I listen to people speak and tell their stories, I hear stories of great angst, but two minutes later someone else speaks words of undeniable hope.  These two emotions are so extreme.  The paradox between the two sides of being an alcoholic in recovery leave my head spinning.  Those who share their despair remind me of the despair that I suffered for so many years and never ever want to return to again; and, those who share their great hope remind me of the promises that I look forward to attaining (promises that are already unfolding for me).

We pray together, laugh together, share our lives with one another and serve one another.  It is by far, my most sacred hour of every day.  I just wish those "normies" (how AA person's refer to non-addics) could experience the same thing.  Who knows, maybe we can make our churches intimate places of praying, laughter, sharing, and serving as well.  All I know is that I feel called to learn from these meetings and bring the intimate sacredness into the churches I serve.

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